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Why does your e-Store Need Product Content Syndication

Why does your e-Store Need Product Content Syndication

December 3, 2019 7:12 am | by Aviral Chitkara | Posted in eCommerce

Product content syndication. Every eCommerce website owner is familiar with this term, and if not, then they are missing out on a huge opportunity to market their products. After all, content syndication is considered to be a crucial content marketing strategy.

Whether it is B2B or B2C selling, eCommerce content syndication will help put forth your product and/or services in a comprehensive manner, resultingly increasing the probability of purchase.

But first, let’s dive into the basics of content syndication.

What is Content Syndication?

Content syndication happens when a third-party website(s) publishes an article, blog, or any other form of content, which was originally published on another website/blog.

Some of the best examples of content syndication are Medium, LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit, etc.

eCommerce Content Syndication

You must be wondering how content syndication is related to the world of eCommerce. It all comes down to online purchasing habits.

What’s the first thing you do before buying something online, for convenience, let’s say a stainless steel water bottle? You scroll down to the description area where features, price, size, and similar product-related information is shared.


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Does this affect your buying decision? Yes, it does! And the same goes for your target audience. It has been proved that online buyers will give preference to a product that offers him/her a more beneficial description.

Now as a seller, you’ll want to showcase your product on maximum online websites. Say you found 150 such websites and got the product registered on them, but what about the content?

Copying and pasting the same content 150 times is a tedious task, and so is the need to update it on many portals, as and when the need arises like change in content rules and regulations. This is where eCommerce product content syndication comes to the rescue.

Standalone software and/or eCommerce platforms offer the feature of content syndication that helps you add, delete, and make edits in the description, all in one place. These changes will reflect automatically on the websites where the product is listed.

Why is There a Need for Product Content Syndication?

It has been proved that product content syndication has helped online business owners generate more sales through efficient content marketing. Some of the points are discussed follows:

Boost the Brand’s Visibility

New brands can’t achieve extraordinary sales by selling only from the parent website. Listing the product on different eCommerce websites introduces the brand to a new customer base and as a result, increases its visibility.

The SEO Advantage

Search engine’s crawlers and bots rely on content and keywords used on a web page to rank it in the search results. And every eCommerce website tries to position itself at the top.

When the same content (description with relevant keywords) is syndicated from the original website to third party websites, it gives a signal to the AI that all the third party pages are directed to one parent page.

It highlights the main website (where the content was originally published), generate backlinks and helps in enhancing the domain authority.

Cost and Time Saving

Before automated content syndication, the task of adding, optimizing, and updating the content at different channels (websites) required human intervention which was costly, time-consuming, and prone to error. With content syndication in the picture, the process has become smooth and error-free.

Uniform Product Information

When new customers read uniform, well-researched, and descriptive product content at different touchpoints, it creates an image of a reputable brand in their minds.

On the other hand, lack of product description or dissimilar content on different pages will put up a question on the brand’s identity that’ll negatively impact the sales.

Promotes Customer Loyalty

Giving customers a thoroughly researched, accurate, and comprehensive product description will help them in making purchase-related decisions. Customers with perfect information enjoy a great shopping experience that magnifies both customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What About the Penalty for Content Duplication?

It’s a common understanding that Google penalizes the website that publishes the same content from another web page; in technical words, plagiarism. The answer is yes, but the penalty can be avoided through an element called Canonical Link or Tag.

In case of content syndication by third party websites, the plagiarism problem is resolved via canonical links or tags. It is a link placed on the third-party web page, acknowledging that the content was originally published on another website.

This canonical link or tag helps the search engines AI identify the source, marking other websites as backlinks, which further strengthen its domain authority.

Over to You.

You now are aware of why product content syndication is crucial for the eCommerce store. The direct and positive impact of this technique on sales makes it a must-have feature for every online store.

If you’d like to share valuable inputs or add something further, then please do so via the comment section given below. We’d love to know about your views on the relevance and future of eCommerce content syndication.

Written by Aviral Chitkara

Senior Business Operations Manager

Aviral is the Senior Business Operations Manager at Sarvika Technologies. His research skills are unquestionable, and so is his ability to provide constant motivation to the team. An engineer turned business expansion enthusiast, Aviral is a knowledge bank when it comes to politics. Whatever the confusion or problem, he is always the one with answers.

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